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Language Definition v2#

This document describes the new language definition model (AKA DSL v2), and the features/possibilities it enables for both syntax and semantic analysis. Each section describes a part of the definition model, and how it can affect the scanner, parser, CST, and AST.

This is a collection of different discussions we had over the last few weeks, and can (and should) be broken down into smaller work items if needed. It should be possible to map the current definition to the old one, so that we do incremental progress, instead of rewriting everything at once.


We currently produce an untyped tree of nodes. It holds all parts of the input (byte for byte), even whitespace, comments, and unrecognized (skipped) parts. We can reconstruct the original input back from the CST, just by iterating on nodes in order. For memory/performance reasons, we don't hold positions/location information in the tree, but they are calculated during iterating/visiting the tree.

The CST is useful for many use cases:

  • Tools that only want to deal with document contents, like formatters, and syntax-only linters.
  • For visitors/rewriters that want to run on certain nodes, regardless of their position/parent types.
  • Reconstructing the original input, including trivia/whitespace, and any skipped (unrecognized) parts.

Here is an example of the node type, similar to what we have now:

pub enum Node {
    Terminal { node: Rc<TerminalNode> },
    Nonterminal { node: Rc<NonterminalNode> },

pub struct TerminalNode {
    pub kind: TerminalKind,
    pub text: String,

pub struct NonterminalNode {
    pub kind: NonterminalKind,
    pub text_length: TextIndex,
    pub children: Vec<Node>,


We intend to also produce a strongly typed tree (structs and enums). Having strong types provides safety/correctness guarantees for users. It also allows us to generate visitor and rewriter APIs automatically.

Each AST node should provide an API to get the underlying CST node, where users can iterate over the actual terminals as they appear in input, and get their position in the source code. However, this is a one-way operation. CST nodes don't hold references to their AST nodes.

Note: some compilers drop syntactic elements that don't carry semantic information from their AST (like semicolons, or commas). However, we don't make that distinction, as we intend to implement further analysis in the form of micro-passes, that each can rewrite and pick parts of the tree that are relevant to them. So our initial tree (AST) should be complete.


The biggest benefit of the new language definition is that it allows scanners and parsers to attempt parsing input belonging to any language version, and report errors afterwards if the input is not valid for the selected version. This is a huge benefit over existing parsers, where they will either parse an inaccurate superset of all versions, or they parse a specific version, and produce unhelpful errors like Unrecognized 'abstract' keyword when the current language version doesn't support it.

Not only we will be able to recover from such errors and continue parsing, producing an accurate/complete tree at the end, but we will also be able to produce much better errors like: The 'abstract' keyword is not supported in the current version X. Please upgrade to version Y instead to be able to use it.


Token Items#

Tokens consist of one or more TokenDefinition. Each definition is separate/unique, but produces the same TerminalKind. This is useful for tokens like DecimalLiteral and HexLiteral who can have multiple forms, but each form is enabled or disabled in certain versions of the language.

All definitions have a unique Scanner, and they can be combined in the same trie/FSM to produce a single token at each position in the input. Afterwards, the scanner can compare the definition's enabled property with the current language version, adding an error if they don't match, but continue parsing anyway.

Keyword Items#

Keywords also contribute a TerminalKind, and consist of one or more KeywordDefinition. But they have additional semantics:

First, instead of defining a regular Scanner, it defines a KeywordValue that produces a finite set of possibilities. Most only produce one value (like abstract or contract), but some can produce multiple, like bytesN or fixedMxN, that can have different values for M and N. This is important for us to build hash sets and quickly check for membership.

Second, because keywords can also overlap with identifiers, each keyword has an identifier property that refers to which identifier token they can match. Instead of being part of same trie/FSM as tokens, whenever we want to scan a keyword, we try to scan its identifier instead. Afterwards, we check if its contents match one of the values of the keyword.

Third, they have two additional reserved property. We should use these when we scan identifiers, to make sure that the resulting identifier doesn't match a reserved keyword, and if so, we should report an error, but continue parsing.

Unique to Solidity, keywords can be reserved in versions before or after the versions they are enabled in. They can also be not reserved in versions before or after the versions they stop being enabled in. So we have to have these additional checks, to be able to catch cases like when a certain input can both be a keyword and an identifier, or neither.

We should also be able to generate a public API is_keyword(TerminalKind) for users to conveniently detect them if needed.

Trivia Items#

Trivia items are similar tokens, contributing their own TerminalKind. They are referred to from the language's top-level leading_trivia and trailing_trivia properties. Before and after each token, the scanner should try to scan these tokens, collecting them in a flat list.

Previously, we used to create many LeadingTrivia and TrailingTrivia nodes that hold whitespace/comments. Not only this is wasteful memory-wise, it is also unnatural/unexpected to wrap whitespace in nonterminal nodes. Instead, I propose treating them like any other token, and storing them as siblings to the tokens they belong to (in-order). Not only this is simpler, it is also more efficient, and is natural to how input is consumed and produced.

Fragment Items#

Fragments are not visible to users, and don't contribute a TerminalKind. They are just a utility used to refactor common parts of the grammar, and avoid duplication. During processing the language definition, they are inlined wherever they are referenced.


Struct Items#

Structs represent a flat list (sequence) of typed fields. They are the simplest nonterminal, and generate a struct AST type. Their fields match 1-1 with the item fields. The struct name contributes a NonterminalKind.

Each field can be either Required(T) or Optional(T). Required fields are always present and parsed. Optional fields can be omitted if they don't exist, and are represented with Rust's Option<T> type (or TypeScript T | undefined). However, optional fields have an additional enabled property. After parsing optional fields, we should compare them with the current language version, and produce errors if they don't match, but continue parsing normally.

The type of each field can be a Nonterminal(T) or Terminal(Set<T>). A nonterminal field refers to another item, and holds its type. A terminal field refers to one or more terminal items (all valid in this position), and is of type TerminalNode.

Additionally, the struct also stores the CST node that holds its contents:

    name = ParametersDeclaration,
    fields = (
        open_paren = Required(Terminal([OpenParen])),
        parameters = Required(Nonterminal(Parameters)),
        close_paren = Required(Terminal([CloseParen]))
AST Type
pub struct ParametersDeclaration {
    pub open_paren: Rc<TerminalNode>,
    pub parameters: Rc<Parameters>,
    pub close_paren: Rc<TerminalNode>,

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

Enum Items#

Enums represent an ordered choice operator of multiple variants (possibilities). The enum name itself does NOT contribute a NonterminalKind, since it will always result in one of its variants (each with a unique TerminalKind or a NonterminalKind. They only exist in the AST, and don't affect the CST at all.

We attempt to parse each variant (in-order), and choose the first one that succeeds. However, each variant can have an additional enabled property. We should always try to parse the variants that are valid in the current version first, and if not, still parse the rest, but produce an error afterwards. The fields of each variant are parsed similar to a struct fields (example above).

    name = FunctionBody,
    variants = [
        EnumVariant(name = Block, reference = Block),
        EnumVariant(name = Semicolon, reference = Semicolon)
AST Type
pub enum FunctionBody {
    Block {
        block: Rc<Block>,

        cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,
    Semicolon {
        semicolon: Rc<TerminalNode>,

        cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

Repeated Items#

Repeated items represent a list of items of the same kind. The item name contributes a NonterminalKind. The AST type is a wrapper around a Vec<T>, with any utilities we need to add for convenience.

It has an allow_empty boolean property, which allows parsing zero items. If it is false, we should still allow parsing zero items, but produce an error afterwards.

    name = FunctionAttributes,
    repeated = FunctionAttribute,
    allow_empty = true
AST Type
pub struct FunctionAttributes {
    pub items: Vec<Rc<FunctionAttribute>>

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

Separated Items#

Separated items represent a list of items of the same kind, separated by a delimiter. The item name contributes a NonterminalKind. The AST type is a wrapper around two Vec<T> for items and their delimiters, with any utilities we need to add for convenience. For example, we should add APIs to create iterators for only the separated items, the separators, or both (in-order).

It has an allow_empty boolean property, which allows parsing zero items. If it is false, we should still allow parsing zero items, but produce an error afterwards. We should also allow parsing a trailing separator at the end, but still produce an error afterwards.

    name = EventParameters,
    separated = EventParameter,
    separator = Comma,
    allow_empty = true
AST Type
pub struct EventParameters {
    pub items: Vec<Rc<EventParameter>>
    pub separators: Vec<Rc<TerminalNode>>

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

Precedence Items#

This is perhaps the most complex nonterminal. It still uses the same PRATT algorithm from the previous implementation (no changes there), but adapted for the new AST types. It has two lists:

First, a list of precedence_expressions, with each expression having a list of operators. Each operator has its own versioning (enabled property), a list of fields, and a model (prefix/postfix/binary).

The operators from all expressions are flattened and combined in the parent PRATT parser. That grouping is only used to indicate that some operators can produce the same PrecedenceExpression name. However, we should exclude operators that don't match the current language version. This is useful for things like ExponentiationExpression where it has two operators with different associativity, but defined in enabled/disabled in different versions.

Second, a list of primary_expressions, with their own versioning (enabled property) as well. We should try to parse them as an operator (similar to EnumItem), and produce an error if the version doesn't match afterwards.

It is important to note that the item name doesn't contribute a NonterminalKind, but each PrecedenceExpression under it contributes one.

    name = Expression,
    precedence_expressions = [
            name = AdditionExpression,
            operators = [PrecedenceOperator(
                model = BinaryLeftAssociative,
                fields = (operator = Required(Terminal([Plus])))
            name = FunctionCallExpression,
            operators = [PrecedenceOperator(
                model = Postfix,
                fields = (
                    open_paren = Required(Terminal([OpenParen])),
                    arguments = Required(Nonterminal(Arguments)),
                    close_paren = Required(Terminal([CloseParen]))
            name = NegationExpression,
            operators = [PrecedenceOperator(
                model = Prefix,
                fields = (operator = Required(Terminal([Not])))
    primary_expressions = [
        PrimaryExpression(expression = Identifier),
        PrimaryExpression(expression = NumberLiteral),
        PrimaryExpression(expression = StringLiteral)
AST Type
pub enum Expression {
    AdditionExpression { expression: Rc<AdditionExpression> },
    FunctionCallExpression { expression: Rc<FunctionCallExpression> },
    NegationExpression { expression: Rc<NegationExpression> },

    Identifier { expression: Rc<TerminalNode> },
    NumberLiteral { expression: Rc<TerminalNode> },
    StringLiteral { expression: Rc<TerminalNode> },

pub struct AdditionExpression {
    // 'left_operand' auto-generated (before) because it is a binary expression, and same type as parent
    pub left_operand: Rc<Expression>,
    // operator 'fields' are flattened into the expression node here
    pub operator: Rc<TerminalNode>,
    // 'right_operand' auto-generated (after) because it is a binary expression, and same type as parent
    pub right_operand: Rc<Expression>,

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

pub struct FunctionCallExpression {
    // 'operand' auto-generated (before) because it is a postfix expression, and same type as parent
    pub operand: Rc<Expression>,
    // operator 'fields' are flattened into the expression node here
    pub open_paren: Rc<TerminalNode>,
    pub arguments: Rc<Arguments>,
    pub close_paren: Rc<TerminalNode>,

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

pub struct NegationExpression {
    // operator 'fields' are flattened into the expression node here
    pub operator: Rc<TerminalNode>,
    // 'operand' auto-generated (after) because it is a prefix expression, and same type as parent
    pub operand: Rc<Expression>,

    pub cst: Rc<NonterminalNode>,

Error Recovery#

For the CST, I think the current algorithms work well, and we should be able to keep them. Unrecognized (skipped) input is grouped into one token, and we can just add it as-is to the cst node under its AST node.

During AST construction, we will simply check for TerminalKind::UNRECOGNIZED nodes, and skip construction if there are any.

Public API Changes#

Based on the above, I propose the following changes to the current public API:

  • Rename TokenKind to TerminalKind, since it will also refer to trivia.
  • Rename RuleKind to NonterminalKind, since "rule" is ambiguous.
  • Rename TerminalKind::SKIPPEDto UNRECOGNIZED for clarity.
  • Hide LexicalContext and fn scan(TokenKind) from the public API, as it is a short-term workaround, and will be replaced later when we have language embedding.
  • Remove ProductionKind completely, since it is no longer needed. We only need to expose fn parse(NonterminalKind).
  • Since EndOFFileTrivia no longer exists, ParseResult should collect any remaining trivia at the end of the input, and include it in the ParseResult returned, for any kind of node, not just SourceUnit.

Visitors and Cursors#

The current CST visitors/cursors should still work as-is, since the CST tree will be unchanged. However, the new AST types allow us in the future to produce typed visitors and traits with named functions for every node type, similar to a lot of other AST processing libraries. I want to at least produce an immutable Visitor and a mutable Rewriter.