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2.4. Structs#


StructDefinition = (* struct_keyword: *) STRUCT_KEYWORD
(* name: *) IDENTIFIER
(* open_brace: *) OPEN_BRACE
(* members: *) StructMembers
(* close_brace: *) CLOSE_BRACE;

StructMembers = (* item: *) StructMember*;

StructMember = (* type_name: *) TypeName
(* name: *) IDENTIFIER
(* semicolon: *) SEMICOLON;

Struct Types#

Structs are custom defined types that can group several variables. They can be defined inside or outside contracts.

struct Voter {
    address delegate;
    uint vote;

You can also create new objects of this struct using the following syntax:

contract MyContract {
    function create() public  {
        Voter memory v = Voter({
            delegate: msg.sender,
            vote: 1


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